Vapor Hone Cylinder Head
$80.00 Per Head
After cylinder head is hot tanked and dry, we have the option of Vapor Honing. This makes the cylinder head look brand new, and is by far the best looking finish for aluminum. This is the best way we have found to remove carbon deposits; and cylinder heads all together. Flushing out the water jackets afterword in this process is easy to do with the setup on our machine. We do proper compressed air blow out procedures to prevent glass bead from staying in the water cavity, along with oil galleys. Our cabinet has compressed air, and fresh water flush for a combined advantage for removing remaining glass bead.
$150 Per Pair
$125 Subaru
1. Hot Tanking / Pre Wash (No Grease Can Enter In Vapor Hone)
2. Plug Removal / Chase Threads
3. Scrape / Edge all sharp edges of the head.
4. Vapor Hone w/ Ultra Fine Glass Bead Media
5. Fresh Water Flush
6. Compressed Air Gun Cleaning
1. Can Add 3-5 Day Lead Time to completion of project.
2. Best Way to Remove Hardened Carbon Build Up.
3. Required for Ceramic Coating Services.